Beginning in 2002, cast and crew returned for around 15 days each year to shoot new scenes for Richard Linklater’s innovative new drama film Boyhood. Critics have been raving about this coming-of-age tale, which follows the ups-and-downs of an American family and in particular the life of young son Mason Jr (played by Ellar Coltrane), as he grows from the age of 6 up until 18. Boyhood mirrors the sentimentality of Linklater’s popular ‘Before’ trilogy but includes lots more humour and references to popular youth culture – ranging from the Harry Potter phenomenon to whatever games console was new at the time, to filling the soundtrack with relevant songs from each year. It’s a particularly fun and nostalgic film to watch for those who grew up during the same period of time, though it’s struck a chord with so many people as it also reflects problems in the lives of its characters that are completely universal. Don’t miss your chance to catch this highly-acclaimed film at Cornerhouse this week.

Until Thu 24 Jul  Cornerhouse, 70 Oxford Street, M1 5NH, Tel: 0161 200 1500, Times and prices vary,


Sat 19 Jul - Thu 24 Jul
Laura Scott
Published on:
Sat 19 Jul 2014