As soon as that bell rings for last orders, there’s generally only one thing on your mind: ‘Where the flood can we go for another drink?’ As you’ve clearly not had enough, or you work unsociable hours, getting a drink after midnight through the working week is tricky. Unless you’re homeless – in which case you just make the streets your bar, with stray dogs as your compatriots. But if you don’t like the taste of Special Brew, and actually have a house or abode of some kind then please stick to an indoor drinking establishment with a late licence. Thankfully this rainy city of ours is awash with late night drinking dens – the kind that are happy to welcome you after the clock strikes 12. Here are our top 3…

The Liar’s Club
For a city with winters that rival those in Game of Thrones, there are a startling number of Tiki bars around – Manchester’s love of irony surely on show here as bartenders sell fruity concoctions surrounded by bamboo, fire and island paraphernalia. The Liar’s Club is by no means the first of its breed, but it is arguably the best. Situated in an alley, in a basement, Liar’s is the very definition of ‘dive bar’. Once you’ve finished drinking in those bars with ‘respectable’ hours head here for a Zombie, and you’ll never want to leave. You have to eventually, but not until 4am.
19A Back Bridge Street, M3 2PB. Tel: 0161 834 5111, Mon – Sun 5pm – 4am,

Situated in an area better known for its coffee shops, banks and buskers, tucked away down Old Bank Street is Central American-themed rock’n’roll bar Sandinista. Offering a vibrant atmosphere til the early hours, Sandinista is the greatest import to Manchester from Leeds since Eric Cantona. Offering a lively soundtrack to dance away until the wee small hours as well as great beers and spirits, Sandinista is a tucked away secret that everyone should know.
2 Old Bank Street (off St Ann’s Square), M2 7PF. Tel: 0161 832 9955, Mon – Sun 12pm – 3am,

The Liquor Store (pictured)
For a slightly more high-brow late-night drinking establishment, head just off Deansgate to The Liquor Store for a wide variety of spirits and cocktails. A yankee theme with Mancunian sensibilities runs through the bar, and extends itself to their creative cocktails, mixing styles gleaned from across the pond and infused with local charm. For the more discerning late-night drinker this is the venue for you. The Liquor Store offers exclusive deals to those that work in the unsociable-yet-sociable hospitality industry, and opening hours reflect their commitment to this marginalised section of the city’s workforce.
Maybrook House, 40 Blackfriars Street, M3 2EG. Tel: 0161 834 6239, Sun – Thu 4pm – 3am, Fri & Sat 12pm – 3am,

John Stansfield
Published on:
Fri 22 Nov 2013