For a whole swathe of people of a certain age and comedy sci-fi persuasion, there’s a secret lexicon of oft-quoted phrases: ‘if you think it’s a long way to the chemists, that’s nothing in comparison to space’; ‘life, don’t talk to me about life’; and don’t forget ‘you really gotta know where your towel is.’ Douglas Adams’ Hitchhikers opus has inspired devotion and the memorising of quotes almost as much as Monty Python. First there was the radio series, which was transformed into a series of books, a TV series and finally a feature film released in 2005, four years after Adams himself died of a heart attack. This stage version of the radio series stars original members of the cast reprising their roles – Simon Jones as Arthur Dent, Geoff McGivern as Ford Prefect, Susan Sheridan as Trillian, plus Danny John Jules guests as the book on the first night and Shappi Khorsandi on the second. Thirty five years on from the first radio series the popularity of Adams’ work shows no sign of waning – and maybe this time around Arthur will find a decent cup of tea in outer space.

Tue 8 & Wed 9 Oct, Manchester Opera House, Quay Street, M3 3HP, Tel: 0844 871 3018, 7.30pm, £21.90 – £32.40,

Tue 8 Oct - Wed 9 Oct
Marissa Burgess
Published on:
Sun 6 Oct 2013