Hanging Ditch has been providing Mancunians with the best vineyard procurements for the past five years, be it through its store in the historic Britannic buildings, or through the various bars around the city that it provides the impressive wine lists for. This year, it is also holding two very special wine fairs with limited capacity, so grab your spit bucket and get quaffing. Firstly it will be holding its sixth Hanging Ditch Wine Fair in front of Manchester Cathedral, hoping the warm, textured wines it will provide from around the globe will give the cold November night a bit of warmth. The better news is that if you book before October 20th there is a 20% discount. For an event that is sure to sell out, it is best to take advantage of this lovely offer. Just one week later, those people from the Ditch will be throwing another wine festival, this time as a celebration of fortified and dessert wines. This event takes place in Manchester Gallery (pictured) and will also serve as a fundraiser for their forthcoming Joana Vasconcelos exhibition in 2014. The same discount applies if you book before 20 October – and keep in mind the capacity for this event is even more limited.

Hanging Ditch Wine Fair Six: Fri 15 Nov, Cathedral on the Street, in front of Manchester Cathedral, Tel: 0161 832 8222, 6.30-9.30pm, £25 (£20 earlybird)

Get Fortified: Thu 21 Nov, Manchester Art Gallery, Mosley Street, M2 3JL, Tel: 0161 832 8222, 7-9pm, £25 (£20 earlybird), www.hangingditch.com

Fri 15 Nov - Thu 21 Nov
John Stansfield
Published on:
Sun 10 Nov 2013