David Stanier’s Silly Party  (pictured)| Kings Arms | Fri 2 May | 8pm | £2
Manchester’s silliest comedian is having another of his silly parties – and he’s inviting you. Provided you have a couple of quid in your pocket. Coming across like a children’s television presenter they should never let have a show, Stanier is a master of the misleading punchline, and by far the most fun performer currently on the North West scene. Here’s a recording of his last silly party on youtube – you can probably figure out whether or not it’s for you in the first 30 seconds. If you enjoy fun then you should definitely make it down.

Laugh Local | Chorlton Irish Club | Fri 2 May | 8pm | £11
There’s a musical theme running through Chorlton’s Laugh Local this month as gifted musical comedians Vicki Stone and Boothby Graffoe take to the stage. Really letting the (musical) side down is sharp-witted Mancunian Danny McLoughlin, who thankfully is very funny so won’t be too out of place on a great bill – even with the lack of an instrument. Vicki Stone came to prominence with her song about Phil Schofield and being generally brilliant whenever she performs. Boothby Graffoe is a great guitar-strumming comic who has been going since the early 80s and who recently performed to a sell-out Lowry crowd with his show about scratch cards. All kept together by the non-musical stylings of Justin Moorhouse, Laugh Local is carving out a spot as one of the best comedy nights of the month.

Jerry Sadowitz | The Dancehouse | Sun 4 May | 7pm | £22.50
The Saturday show is now unfortunately sold out – but lucky for us, and probably much to this insult-spewing comic’s chagrin, he has to stay in England for another night, with a slightly earlier show on Sunday. But don’t let the time difference make you think this will be any cleaner of a show. Sadowitz is known for his offensive approach to any subject and most of his audience, but he is also a very talented card magician – his speed of hand only matched by the velocity of the vitriol cascading from his mouth. This is not for the faint of heart. Read our full preview here.

Dead Cat Comedy Créche | Sandbar | Mon 5 May | 8pm | FREE
The city’s friendliest comedy club hosts its new talent/material night on the first Monday of the month, and for May compere and doyen of Dead Cat Red Redmond presents a swath of great comics both young and old. Adam Rushton, Daniel Sofoluke, Jon Newell and Mel Medford join Red before the headline act of Tickled Pig Comedian of the Year Edy Hurst. An abstract guitar-playing impish minstrel of a man, Edy is a joyous comic to behold. All unabashed grins and oddball lingo he’s sure to enchant the back room of Sandbar.

Quippopotamus | Odd Bar | Tue 6 May | 8pm | FREE
The man R Kelly wishes he was, Jon Whiteley introduces a threesome, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Rita, Sue and Bob Too. The bard of Droylsden, and funniest Manc on Twitter, Danny Sutcliffe will be kicking things off with his droll and unmistakable Tameside growl. Currently suffering a crisis of conscience about his Spanish flatmate, Jack Evans will try not to have a nervous breakdown in the middle section, but probably will anyway and it will be poetry for the eyes. Headlining is the Peter Pan of Punk Comedy, New Zealander Sully O’Sullivan will be showcasing some of his new work before his very first UK solo show. Not bad for a tenner. Wait, what’s that? It’s FREE!? GO!

SOS TV LIVE | Three Minute Theatre | Wed 7 May | 8pm | £5
The greatest actor to climb out of Bolton since Bruno Langley, Sir Randolph Tempest will be hosting another evening of character comedy, chat, music and film from his favourite acts from around the city and beyond.

Manford’s Comedy Club | The Bierkeller | Thu 8 May | 8pm | £10
Jason Manford, with the help of his brother Colin, has managed to set up some of the nicer gigs in across the north of the country. Manchester’s Manford-supported club takes place at The Bierkeller, the cavernous Bavarian-style drinking emporium in the Printworks, with the weight of one of the UK’s biggest comedians behind it. Usually we wouldn’t condone heading to the Printworks this close to the weekend – but Thursday’s line-up contains the great Daliso Chaponda, Joe Lycett and Steve Royle, with Danny McLoughlin popping up once more, this time as MC for the night.

Thanks to @johnwinsagain

Fri 2 May - Thu 8 May
John Stansfield
Published on:
Fri 2 May 2014