It would be easy to write-off a London-based DJ and producer, who performs live shielded behind a Native American mask of his own design, as pretentious. It would be incredibly easy, if we talking about a producer who didn’t have Aaron Jerome’s impressive credentials. This is because Aaron Jerome is the true, legal name of Sbtrkt, an artist who’s made his name turning out some of the most memorable remixes of recent years, covering artists such as M.I.A., Modeselektor and Radiohead. His central philosophy is to let the music speak for itself, and it’s his modesty that allows for a crisp electronic sound unmolested by the ego of the artist. Even his name is a subtraction of ‘subtract’. This modesty sits strangely at odds with his choice of tour venue for Manchester, ditching its more anonymous noise huts for the domed grandeur of the Albert Hall, but with a string of wildly successful EP’s released this year, and a second studio album forthcoming, Jerome has a lot to suddenly be arrogant about.

Tue 30 Sep, Albert Hall, 27 Peter Street, Manchester, M2 5QR, £19.25 (£17.50),

Tue 30 Sep
Jon Whiteley
Published on:
Sun 28 Sep 2014