Novels by Takashi Hiraide and Kyoko Yoshida have been picked from the shelf for a special panel event at the Burgess Foundation entitled Japan Now featuring the two authors. Ever the cultural compass, the Burgess Foundation has teamed up with the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese and Great Britain Sasakawa Foundations to present contemporary Japanese writing through the differing literary techniques and subject matter of two novels. Hiraide’s best seller, The Guest Cat, is a thoughtful reflection on the minutiae of everyday life and relationships through the arrival of a stray cat in a couple’s lives, while Yoshida’s Disorientalism comprises 19 short stories packaging astute, worldly philosophy in a deadpan humour. The event is free to attend and to make sure you avoid disappointment, you can sign up via the link below.
Mon 29 Feb, International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Chorlton Mill, 3 Cambridge Street, Manchester, M1 5BY, 7-9pm, FREE,
- Words:
- Ian Pennington
- Published on:
- Tue 23 Feb 2016