The brainchild of heroic selectors Randy Marsh, Ste Spandex, Ruf Dug & Kickin’ Pigeon, Manchester’s much loved Wet Play returns for a special extra late night of hedonism, featuring a rare set from New York City’s Beautiful Swimmers. At the forefront of the current US boogie scene, Beautiful Swimmers present a deep ’83 swamp vibe: think Terence McKenna crash-landing the Mothership at Compass Point studios and you’ll get some idea of what fuels this pair. The last time they performed at Wet Play nobody left the venue feeling quite the same and we can’t wait to witness their unique style of psychedelic electronic boogie again.

Sat 27 Oct, Kraak, 11 Stevenson Square, M1 1DB. 10.30pm – 6am, £7,

Sat 27 Oct
Simon Webbon
Published on:
Thu 25 Oct 2012