Following a successful event last year, Through the Mill, a community festival which celebrates Ancoats, returns later this month. It will be held in Mantra Warehouse at Wellington Mill. One of the few buildings in the area not to be converted into flats, this is a large creative work space. The event is a full day filled with art, music, culture and even a dog show. Standout events include a vinyl record fair, Northern Soul dance classes, and a talk hosted by the music journalist John Robb. You can take a guided tour around the mill itself, where the residents will present the work created in their studios. There’s also a tour of the Ancoats area, which touches on the places key to its rich industrial heritage. The event continues into the night with DJs from Psychedelic Disco Tech.

Sat 21 Oct, Wellington Mill, Pollard Street, Ancoats, Manchester, M40 7FS. 1pm til late, £6 (early bird),

Sat 21 Oct
A. James Simpkin
Published on:
Thu 12 Oct 2017