It’s the world’s nicest revolution as Manchester Veg People aim to take back the vegetable aisle from huge supermarkets and conglomerates and give it back to the people who grow their own veg. A noble cause and one that they have been chipping away at for 18 months; borrowing vans, storage and office space to provide a fairer model for those that grow and sell their own produce. Manchester Veg People are a co-operative that link the grower direct to the restaurant, with customers including Common, The Beagle in Chorlton and Aumbry in Prestwich. Having worked on favours for the last year and a half, they are ready to go legit – but will need your help to procure their own van and a cold store, and a little hand with getting their message out there. To kick off their crowd-sourcing endeavour they will be bringing a special menu straight from the field to your plate this Saturday at Common. From 12.30pm their trailer will have provided the raw materials from one of their growers, Glebelands city farm in Sale, and those delightful chefs at Common will be dishing up some specials freshly picked and grown within Manchester. Get down and show some support and grab yourself some great food while you’re at it. You probably deserve it. Manchester Veg People certainly do.

Sat 8 Jun, Common, 39-41 Edge Street, M4 1HW, Tel: 0161 832 9245, 12.30pm, check the specials board for prices,

Sat 8 Jun
John Stansfield
Published on:
Wed 5 Jun 2013