Dance music platform, Dance Policy, are holding a free exhibition of photos exploring youth and a dance culture this September at Ducie Street Warehouse.

Taking place across Sat 17 and Sun 18 Sep, the exhibition is called {Mind the Gap} and aims to close the widening chasm between London and the rest of the UK for creative opportunities by celebrating local creatives in the city.

You can check out some of the artists on social media under these handles, @Mocap40, @f3mal3_gaze, @_Eglebdv, @filmbyAnisha and Dance Policy’s own photographs (Zak).

The event is free (you can register for tickets here) and there is a guest speaker, Elijah, whose yellow square series on Instagram has become a beacon of support and positive mindset framing for those in the music industry in recent years.

Sat 17 Sep - Sun 18 Sep, Ducie Street Warehouse,
Ducie St, Manchester M1 2TP
Leo Burrell
Published on:
Mon 5 Sep 2022