Running from Sat 10 Sep to Fri 16 Sep 2022, following an open-to-all Private View event at 6pm the night before, Manchester Metropolitan University’s Holden Gallery hosts incredible artwork from graduate students as the first part of Manchester School of Art’s MA Show 2022.

The first exhibition of a three-part series taking place across separate locations on MMU’s All Saints campus, the Holden Gallery display features stunning pieces from artists across Fine Arts, Textile Studies, Painting and Embroidery master’s degree courses. Free to visit between noon and 6pm throughout the week, the showcase is also open to the public for an initial Private Viewing at 6pm on Fri 9 Sep.

Following Part I of the Manchester School of Art 2022 MA Show, work from students across Film, Games Art, Photography and Sound Design will be on display in the SODA Building from Mon 26 Sep to Sun 2 Oct, with the final part showcasing artwork from Craft, Contemporary Performance, Design Innovation, Graphic Design and more in the award-winning Benzie Building from Wed 28 Sep to Fri 7 Oct.

For more information, head to the Manchester School of Art website.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Sat 10 Sep - Fri 16 Sep, The Holden Gallery, Manchester School of Art ,
Grosvenor Building, Metropolitan University, Cavendish St, Manchester, M15 6BR
, Tel: 0161 247 1705, FREE, 12pm-6pm
Wolf McFarlane
Published on:
Tue 13 Sep 2022