Love them or hate them, you can’t help but respect the endeavors of a few (mainly former, now) Manchester United fans. After being taken over by the Glazer family, they decided enough was enough, upped sticks and started their own club – the now world famous FC United. In a move that would provide the precedent for many more fan-owned phoenix clubs, they’ve gone from strength to strength – even if the playoffs have provided a major stumbling block along the way. This documentary – being aired for the first time – offers a glimpse behind the scenes, and fittingly is kicking off at 3pm on a Saturday (though the screening begins at 4pm, with a replay at 5pm for anyone who is busy actually playing football or something first time round). Whatever colour of shirt you wear on a weekend, this is something that should be worth checking out – given how far away the season is, this could be the closest you get to tasting real football for a while.

Sat 22 Jun, A Small Cinema, Miners Community Arts & Music Centre, Teddington Road, Moston, M40 0DJ, Doors at 3pm, screenings at 4pm & 5pm, FREE,

Sat 22 Jun
Matthew Britton
Published on:
Mon 10 Jun 2013