Having only played Islington Mill back in May, the much-acclaimed – and much-loved – Molly Nilsson returns to these shores once more this August. Born in Sweden, she moved to Berlin, set up her own collective and has been releasing her own records since 2007, with her synth-led sound being one of the most recognisable of the underground. This tour is off the back of her new record, The Travels, which has been co-released through Night School records. Vancouver bedroom-pop act Terror Bird, fellow Night School nightmare-pop outfit Apostille and the glorious Egyptian Hip Hop side-project Aldous RH support.

Wed 7 Aug, The Bay Horse, 35-37 Thomas Street, M4 1NA, 7pm, £6, www.skiddle.com

Wed 7 Aug
Matthew Britton
Published on:
Thu 4 Jul 2013