For new show Larger Than Life, Pakistan-based artist Aisha Khalid has produced a stunning collection of miniature paintings around sociopolitical themes of female oppression, global politics and cultural stereotyping. Embroidery is a recurring theme in Khalid’s work, and she will experiment with sewing the bricks on one of the Whitworth Art Gallery’s double-height walls with a site-specific project of repeating pattern of roses – a reflection on life and spirituality.

Sat 6 Oct – Sun 27 Jan 2013, Whitworth Art Gallery, Oxford Road, M15 6ER, Tel: 0161 275 7450, Mon – Sat 10am – 5pm, Sun 12pm – 4pm, FREE,

Sat 6 Oct - Sun 27 Jan
Caitriona Devery
Published on:
Fri 5 Oct 2012