In 2012, Alison Moore’s first novel, The Lighthouse, gained critical acclaim and was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. For this outing in her hometown, Alison (pictured) is joined by her editor and fellow novelist Nicholas Royle, whose seventh novel (confusingly titled First Novel) is published this month. He also runs his own publishing company, Nightjar Press, which produces original short stories as signed, limited edition chapbooks. They will reading select passages from their respective works and discussing their inspirations and techniques with Gregory Norminton, an author and lecturer in creative writing at Manchester Metropolitan University. Three writers for the price of none.

Thu 24 Jan, Anthony Burgess Foundation, Engine House, Chorlton Mill, 3 Cambridge Street, M1 5BY, Tel: 0161 235 0776, 6.30pm, FREE,

Thu 24 Jan
John Stansfield
Published on:
Thu 24 Jan 2013