On Thu 16 Nov, cafe and bookshop O! Peste Destroyed – The White Hotel’s Ancoats outpost – hosts acclaimed poet Lisa Robertson, who will discuss her captivating debut novel-cum-biography-cum-artistic statement with a Q&A led by Austin Collings.

Titled The Baudelaire Fractal, Robertson’s daring and intricate meditation follows Hazel, who wakes up one morning in a cheap hotel room only to discover she’s written the complete works of the legendary literary wastrel, Charles Baudelaire. In her cascading bewilderment, her surroundings morph into every hotel room she can remember from her youthful exploits in 1980s Paris, as recollections from her early life are interspersed with vignettes from Baudelaire’s own, alongside reflections on the history of tailoring, the passion of reading and 19th century painting, in a gorgeous exploration of life lived in search of beauty, a celebration of a she-dandy and a story about ‘how much a fictional story about a fictional self can shed, & still remain a story about a vivid self.’

To reserve your copy of The Beaudelaire Fractal for pick-up and book a seat for the discussion on Thu 16 Nov, click here. Every booking includes a complimentary glass of wine (or selected soft drink).

Entry to the event without a reservation is free.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Thu 16 Nov, 7pm, O! Peste Destroyed,
70 Oldham Rd, New Cross, Manchester M4 5EB
, £15
Wolf McFarlane
Published on:
Wed 8 Nov 2023