Every week, the Whitworth Gallery hosts a Thursday Late event. Aimed at kicking off the weekend early, visitors can explore the gallery, meet friends and enjoy a cultural presentation, such as a talk or concert. Coming next Thursday is a screening of the film The Winter Fly. This 30-minute long animated movie is made in the style of shadow theatre. Cellist Elizabeth Preston, accompanied by Gareth Smith on the piano, will perform the soundtrack live. The performance is suitable for all ages. Supported by the Arts Council, the show comes our way as part of a tour of the North of England.

Thu 14 Jan, The Whitworth, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6ER. Tel: 0161 275 7450, 7pm, FREE, www.facebook.com

Thu 14 Jan
A. James Simpkin
Published on:
Sun 10 Jan 2016