St Ann’s Church in St Ann’s Square hosts an ale festival this week (Fri 14 – Sun 16 Sept), to raise funds for its restoration. Organised by the nearby Mr Thomas’ Chop House, the Blessed Beer Real Ale Festival runs from 11am until 11pm each day, offering 24 real ales and four ciders – including Dunham Dark Mild, Wobbly Bob, Bank Top Blonde, Ginger Marble and Forever Bury. Each pint sold will raise 50p for the St Ann’s Church Restoration Fund, which has so far raised £700,000 to help repair the 18th Century English baroque church’s tower, clock and roof. A further £2m is required to complete necessary repairs to St Ann’s, which, after the cathedral, was the second church to be built in Manchester.

Fri 14 – Sun 16 Sept, St Ann’s Church, St Ann’s Square, M2 7LF, 11am – 11pm daily, FREE,

Fri 14 Sep - Sun 16 Sep
Chris Horkan
Published on:
Sat 15 Sep 2012