Interpol’s downbeat and romantic indie rock is compulsive listening. Songs like Untitled, Obstacle 1 and Slow Hands are the kind of records that soundtrack relationship break ups. Records to play over and over and over again. Twelve years ago, the band broke onto the scene with their debut album, Turn on The Bright Lights, which arrived fully formed and reeking of New York dive bars and couch surfing. Joy Division and The Fall are influences, but theirs is wide-screen sound. Lead singer, Paul Banks’ solo career may have interrupted their creative flow but fifth album, El Pintor, released in September signals a return to what they do best.

Sun 8 Feb, Albert Hall, 22 Peter Street, Manchester M2 5QR
Tel: 0844 858 8521, 7pm, £27.50,

Sun 8 Feb
Ruth Allan
Published on:
Tue 15 Jul 2014