This October, Bridget Christie is bringing not one but two shows to The Lowry: her Foster’s Comedy Award winning ‘A Bic For Her’ and her more recent Edinburgh sold out smash ‘An Ungrateful Woman’. A bumper deal of comedy that, quite rightly, sold out very quickly – Christie being a passionate and honest comedian who creates hilarious and thought-provoking shows for comedy lovers who like to have a social conscience as well as a laugh. Thankfully the level of demand has meant a second show has been added at the Quays’ home of comedy. So don’t say you weren’t warned when this one inevitably sells out too. A show consisting of two parts: the first a treatise on the ridiculous idea that you could make a disposable biro for the lady on the go; and the second half is a self-aware look at the state of gender inequality at present. A great lecture on the bias we happily ignore every day when it comes to X and Y chromosomes – only damn funnier than that sounds.

Sun 30 Nov, The Lowry, Pier 8, Salford Quays, M50 3AZ. Tel: 0843 208 6000, 8pm, £14/£16,

Sun 30 Nov
John Stansfield
Published on:
Mon 6 Oct 2014