As New Zealand’s deputy cultural attache in HBO’s Flight of the Conchords, Murray Hewitt is both the source and butt of many of the series’ jokes about the distinct lack of excitement to be found in New Zealand. Back in the real world Murray’s better known to his mum and dad as Rhys Darby, the stand-up who when he started performing back in 1997, his native country’s comedy circuit was so non-existent that he and a mate had to practically kickstart it. So maybe the Conchords writers weren’t far wrong after all. Following time out from the UK circuit (where he eventually settled) spent making film appearances as well as managing Bret and Jermaine Conchord, Darby’s back performing his trademark noisy sound effect comedy.

Sun 15 Jul, The Lowry, Pier 8, Salford Quays, M50 3AZ, 0843 208 6000, 8pm, £20,

Sun 15 Jul
Marissa Burgess
Published on:
Fri 13 Jul 2012