Manchester’s heaviest music fans, Fat Out Til You Pass Out, present Guardian Alien, bringing a bite of the New York post-modern scene to Salford. Experimental, avant-garde reconstructionists, post-modern minimalists, experimental sound sculptors – these are all labels that can be applied to Guardian Alien and yet none of them fully encapsulate the band or do justice to their creations. Greg Fox (former drummer for Dan Deacon), Bernard Gann and Alexandra Drewchin create distorted cut-ups of electronic and acoustic sounds, looped with effects, mishmashing their forms to push the sounds in multiple directions simultaneously. Their definitive track Spiritual Emergency, the B-side of the record of the same name released this year, was honed on the road for over a year before being laid to tape, and typifies Guardian Alien’s sensibilities and spirit. Support comes from rising Manc stars, Horrid and The Osiris Club (London). The video below will also blow your mind.

Thu 10 Jul, Islington Mill, James Street, Salford, M3 5HW. Tel: 0161 278 6404, 7.30pm, £9 (adv),

Thu 10 Jul
Frank Balmer
Published on:
Sun 6 Jul 2014