Highly acclaimed poet and rapper Kate Tempest will appear at Contact next February. Her new show, Brand New Ancients, follows two South London families as their respective generations grow and intertwine within modern life. Throughout the production, Tempest uses her powerful and honest voice to create a vivid tale in each audience member’s mind. Alongside this there will be a live quartet compromising of violin, cello, tuba and percussion. Described as a leading voice in a new wave of British spoken word, Tempest aims to invoke a deep connection with performance and audience Through her compelling and engaging presence. She was the winner of this year’s Ted Hughes Poetry Award for Brand New Ancients, and also scooped the 2013 Herald Angel Award. She has previously won the poetry slam at the Nu-Yorican poetry café in New York, and has collaborated with the likes of John Cooper Clarke and Billy Bragg with her band, Sound of Rum. Watch the show’s trailer below.

Fri 21 – Sat 22 Feb 2014, Contact, Oxford Road, M15 6JA, 8pm, £12 (£7 concessions), Tel: 0161 274 0600, contactmcr.com

Fri 21 Feb - Sat 22 Feb
Steven Brown
Published on:
Mon 17 Feb 2014