Over the past six years, meandyou has established itself as one of Manchester’s hottest club nights – spawning a label and spreading its branches out to London and Berlin. Though it photosynthesises in the European sun, the collective roots are firmly embedded in Stevenson Square’s Soup Kitchen. Their latest party features the talents of Rezzett and Will Bankhead. Bankhead is a legendary album designer, producing iconic cover art for a variety of DJs and labels for over 20 years. More recently, Bankhead established The Trilogy Tapes, a sprawling project that includes a label, music blog and shop outlet for his rich design work. For tonight, he’ll be manning the decks, bringing some of the best mixes from his own stable as well as a plethora of treats from a life lived through music. Turkish electronic artist Rezzett caps off the bill, with a live set that marks his UK debut: expect fuzzy industrial loops.

Fri 25 Jul, Soup Kitchen, 31-33 Spear Street, M1 1DF, 10pm, £5-£10, www.residentadvisor.net

Fri 25 Jul
Jon Whiteley
Published on:
Sun 20 Jul 2014