Coming off the back of nostalgic hysteria about the recent 20th anniversary of Britpop, the band who some feel were unfairly lumped into that scene are the subject of this new film by director Florian Habicht. Following the build up to their 2012 Sheffield homecoming show, PULP: a Film about Life, Death & Supermarkets aims to give an insight into the impact that the group have had on the ‘common people’ of the Yorkshire city. From the trailer alone, it would appear that this will be full of the customary witty commentary we’ve come to expect from Jarvis Cocker over the years, while a live satellite Q&A after the screening will feature band members Jarvis, Nick Banks, Candida Doyle, Steve Mackey and Mark Webber, as well as director Florian Habicht and producer Alex Boden – so there promises to be plenty more for your money from these modern national treasures.

Sat 7 Jun, Cornerhouse, 70 Oxford Street, M1 5NH, Tel: 0161 200 1500, 5.30pm, £10.50 (£8.50 conc),

Sat 7 Jun
John Hutcheon
Published on:
Mon 2 Jun 2014