When comedians bring their latest touring show to Manchester they are often swayed by the bigger capacity – but more soulless theatres for maximum profit usually equals minimum atmosphere. In stark contrast, Richard Herring continues his love affair (11 straight years now) with the little comedy club that could, as he performs his new show ‘Happy Now’ at The Frog & Bucket. After getting married and fathering a child, Herring – the cerebral comedian’s comedian – is happy in the traditional sense, but what might this mean for his prolific comedy career? Rather than keep these fears to himself, he dives head first in to what makes the stand-up’s mind tick and how his new-found happiness might be the death of his career. But he can save that for his next show. One of the sharpest minds working in comedy, go watch a legend of stand-up in a fitting arena.

Wed 7 Oct, The Frog & Bucket, 102 Oldham Street, M4 1LJ, 8pm, £12/£10, frogandbucket.ticketsolve.com

Wed 7 Oct
John Stansfield
Published on:
Mon 28 Sep 2015