Contact Theatre presents an immersive, interactive work which looks at the way real people live. The Shrine of Everyday Things is a site-specific piece that takes place in an empty row of houses that are currently earmarked for demolition. Likened to ‘Coronation Street meets David Lynch’, the work blends performance with installation and lets the audience peek behind the net curtains of everyday life. The Shrine is presented by The Contact Young Actors Company, in association with a creative team from São Paulo, Brazil. During their research, the team spoke to people from Brunswick Estate, where the performance takes place, to dig out authentic memories of the area. The audience meets the performers at Contact on Oxford Road (pictured), before listening to an audio promenade performance as they are guided on the short walk to this unusual street.
Wed 22 – Sat 25 Jul, Contact, Oxford Road, M15 6JA, 12 noon, 3pm, and 7pm each day, £10 (£6 conc.),
- Words:
- A. James Simpkin
- Published on:
- Tue 21 Jul 2015