Starting out as with a much-blogged unnamed track on Bandcamp, Unknown Mortal Orchestra have managed to beat the internet hype game without even really playing it at all. They stayed quiet after the initial wave of buzz, before suddenly releasing their self-titled debut LP on Fat Possum to critical acclaim. One of the consequences of doing things DIY and under the radar is that it sometimes takes the rest of the world a bit of time to catch up with the rave reviews that you create. And so, while people are still finding out about that first release, second album II is winning over an entirely new demographic. By the third album, they’ll likely be headlining the Apollo – this show has already been upgraded from Gorilla, and will likely sell out the bigger Academy 2, too. For those who’ve not listened to UMO, they’re – well, they’re utterly staggering, powerfully weird with hints of psyche, lo-fi and garage. Well, listen yourself.

Fri 8 Nov, Manchester Academy 2, Oxford Road, M13 9PL, 7pm, £12,

Fri 8 Nov
Matthew Britton
Published on:
Mon 4 Nov 2013