The rave that made Manchester a clubbing destination is returning to Store Street, beneath Piccadilly Station from September this year. Tickets for the first event go on sale this week and the rest of the line up will be revealed in mid-July. For now, the launch party’s mix of crowd pleasers and beat smiths including Seth Troxler, Carl Craig, Jack Master, Ben UFO and Pearson Sound, news of which should whet the appetites of those keen to party in the metropolis’ dark and dirty heart once again.

Fri 27 Sep 2014 – Thu 1 Jan 2015, Warehouse Project, Store Street, beneath Piccadilly Station, Manchester, M1 2GH. Launch event Fri 27 Sep, 6pm-5am, £25 / £28/50,

Sat 27 Sep - Thu 1 Jan
Ruth Allan
Published on:
Sun 21 Sep 2014