Those Brown Brogues boys are obviously getting a taste for this promoting lark – now on to their fourth show, they’re showing no signs of stopping. In fact, they’re getting even more confident: as well as headlining Bro Bro 4 (as it being called), they’re refusing to sell any advance tickets, meaning people are going to have to get down early. The last time the Brogues headlined The Castle there was crowd surfing, a crush of bodies and BBC Radio 1 presenter Huw Stephens somewhere in among the crush, loving every moment. With Sheffield’s much loved fuzz-buzz band Best Friends making the trip over snakes pass to offer support alongside local lo-fi heroes Mistoa Poltsa, it should be a pretty special (and pretty loud) evening – if you can get in.

Fri 12 Jul, The Castle Hotel, 66 Oldham Street, M4 1LE, 8pm, £5,

Fri 12 Jul
Matthew Britton
Published on:
Tue 2 Jul 2013