Fortune favours the brave and the foolish alike – so it is some degree of bravery, and a heck of a lot of foolishness, that Youtube sensation Cassetteboy and idiot rapper DJ Rubbish aim to crash their comedy show into a club and dance on the wreckage. Having boggled minds online for years the mash-up pioneers smashed up the Edinburgh Fringe last year with a show that really does have to be experienced to understand the madness of it all. You’ll laugh, you’ll dance, you’ll go to the toilet (probably) as they attain the dubious achievement of being the only night in town that plays Madonna and Masterchef, 50 Cent and Jeremy Paxman. With 20 million Youtube views they have built an army of cyber-dwellers, but it is a different experience to see these ridiculous characters live. There’s no better, or stranger, way to spend your Friday night.

Fri 7 Feb, Club Academy, Oxford Road, M13 9PR. Tel: 0161 275 2930 10pm £10

Fri 7 Feb
John Stansfield
Published on:
Fri 7 Feb 2014