As great a venue as it is, the Bridgewater Hall often hosts concerts that are a bit middle of the road. However, this October there will be something with a bit more edge: Asian Dub Foundation will be live scoring the film THX 1138. George Lucas’s debut feature film is set in a dystopian future where every aspect of people’s lives is controlled. Robert Duvall stars as an ordinary citizen who, after falling foul of the oppressive regime, tries to escape his lifelong captivity. The genre-busting group ADF will use a mixture of guitars, synth, live drums and flute to create a completely new soundtrack as the film plays. The band performed this concert at the Barbican to great acclaim, and in the past have rescored other cult classics, such as La Haine and The Battle of Algiers.

Mon 19 Oct, The Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley Street, M2 3WS, 8pm, £21.50,

Mon 19 Oct
A. James Simpkin
Published on:
Tue 13 Oct 2015