Dust off your rusty spoons and bring them along to The Comedy Store on Monday 20 July for a special Q&A event with David Firth, creator of the cult web-cartoon Salad Fingers. Unfamiliar with this green, creepy cartoon with a penchant for rusty cutlery and making people uncomfortable? Allow us to fill you in – Salad Fingers is a Flash web animation that first appeared online in 2004 and quickly made the rounds thanks to its eerie, dystopian aesthetic and odd brand of humour. Created by Firth, all eleven episodes of Salad Fingers became an early example of viral, word-of-mouth content with the series going on to be listed among the San Fransisco Chronicle’s Top 10 Pop Culture Phenomena in 2005. This Manchester event will be a celebration of Firth’s cult cartoon, with every episode aired on the big screen followed by a question and answer session with the man behind the work. Tickets are on sale now priced £12.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Mon 20 Jul, 8.30pm, The Comedy Store,
3 and 4, Arches, Deansgate Locks, Whitworth Street West, Manchester, M1 5LH
, Tel: 0161 839 9595, £12
Simon Bland
Published on:
Mon 2 Mar 2020