After having to pull out of a livestreamed performance for Manchester SceneSkype at Sounds from the Other City, David Thomas Broughton has owed Salford one for the past couple of months – tonight, he pays off that debt with a show at The Kings Arms. One of the UK’s greatest songwriters, he somehow still hasn’t managed to find the enormous audience that his craft and skill deserves. Maybe it’s the fact that a rape alarm has been known to be included in his live show, or that the depth and texture of his songs probably don’t put across the right message to radio playlisters – who knows. Thankfully, he carries on regardless to a die-hard collection of fans, picking up the odd couple here and a couple of dregs more there for the past decade or so. For anyone with this amount of genius and dedication, the fawning masses are going to come eventually, it’s just a case of when. The brilliant Rachel Dadd and Ichi offer support.

Mon 24 Jun, The Kings Arms, 11 Bloom Street, Salford, M3 6AN, 7.30pm, £9,

Mon 24 Jun
Matthew Britton
Published on:
Sun 2 Jun 2013