Following a meteoric rise through Britain’s comedy scene including a sold-out Edinburgh Fringe run, a historic London Palladium show and a benchmark turn on Channel 4’s Friday Night Live, barrier-breaking comic Jordan Gray brings her hilarious and triumphantly uninhibited new show Is It A Bird? to The Lowry on Fri 20 Oct.

After a successful decade-long career as a musician, complete with an unforgettable run on The Voice, Gray arrives in Salford as one of Britain’s most thrillingly talented comedic prospects, winning the Channel 4 Comedy Breakthrough Star Award earlier this year. For one night only, she takes to The Lowry stage with a gleefully mischievous set in which she tackles ‘bigots, babies, boobies and Batman’ across an evening of side-splitting riffs and irresistible musical numbers.

Click here for tickets, and check out the trailer for Jordan Gray’s new show below.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Fri 20 Oct, 8pm, The Lowry,
Pier 8, Salford Quays, Salford, M50 3AZ
, Tel: 0161 876 2000, From £18
Wolf McFarlane
Published on:
Fri 15 Sep 2023