Ever wish you’d spoken to that girl on the bus? That guy on his bike? Well a new dating app is making that happen – and it’s called Happn. Having launched in the city of love (Paris, obviously) in 2014, the app is now being used by 8 million people around the world, upping the chances that special someone is just around the corner. It works by using geolocation in real time, so every time you cross paths with another member, their profile appears on your app. You see the time and place of your last encounter and if you happen to meet someone you like, you can like them secretly with the Heart button (they won’t find out unless the interest is mutual) or send a ‘charm’ to catch their attention. It sounds like a recipe for romance to us.

Make it Happn for you by downloading the app now: www. gethap.pn

Wire Editor
Published on:
Fri 27 Nov 2015