Light beams will illuminate the Manchester skyline throughout January as Factory International launches a spectacular new installation.

First Breath is curated and designed by world-renowned visual artist Luke Jerram, connecting the ground to the sky in a visual representation of new life.

From 1-29 Jan, powerful beams of light will shoot up high above the city skyline and slowly pulse to represent the moment that a baby takes its first gasp of air.

The installation will sit on the construction grounds of the new Factory International Building, which opens later in 2023. The lights will be visible from afar, though Factory invites the public to get closer to the show. Free to attend, the installation area will be open from 4pm-10pm each evening (except 9, 16 and 23 Jan), though venue recommend heading down around 5pm to get the full effect.

Speaking about his inspiration, Luke said: “Over 70 babies are born each day in Greater Manchester. Disconnected and yet going through this life-changing experience at the same time, I wanted to reveal, celebrate and connect this hidden community of people giving birth. This new artwork is designed to celebrate the extraordinary moment when a baby takes their First Breath and a new life arrives in the world.”

Head over to the Factory website for more information.

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Sun 1 Jan - Sun 29 Jan, Factory International,
Water Street, Manchester M3 4JQ
Bradley Lengden
Published on:
Wed 4 Jan 2023