Those familiar with the story of Ed Gein may be aware that it doesn’t automatically lend itself to comedy. The man who inspired the films Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre is rarely remembered for his cutting wit, so it may be with some trepidation that you climb the stairs of the Lass O’Gowrie to its not-at-all-creepy top-floor theatre for a night of sketch comedy from some of Manchester’s brightest performers. Returning home from a stint in Edinburgh for the Fringe, members Ed Easton, Kath Hughes and James Meehan bring a surreal and pitch dark sketch experience for your more shadowy comedy mind. They bring with them a wealth of comedy friends including Kiri Pritchard-McLean as MC, who is also battle-hardened after a month north of Hadrian’s Wall. Joining Kiri will be Lee Fenwick and Lou Conran who will both be trying out some new characters. Come see what they have learned from their experiences in Scotland, and from life, and from that farmer who liked to make ornaments out of corpses.

Mon 2 Sep, Lass O’Gowrie, 36 Charles Street, M1 7DB, Tel: 0161 273 6932, 8pm, FREE,

Mon 2 Sep
John Stansfield
Published on:
Thu 29 Aug 2013