There’s little else more satisfying than a good glug of gin at the end of a hard working day, but what’s great about summer is that it gives you free rein to drink throughout the day without a single soul passing judgement. The aptly named Gin and Tonic Vintage are offering the means to do precisely this, hosting their third Vintage and Fashion Fair at Terrace. After grabbing a glass of the world’s favourite tipple – or whatever else wets your whistle – rummage through the rails of the various stalls for one-of-a-kind clothing and accessory pieces. The world of vintage is by no means uncharted territory in Manchester, so head down to the bar and do the two things that so many of you do best.
Sat 3 Aug, Terrace, 42 Thomas Street, M4 1NA, From 1pm, FREE,
- Words:
- Jess Hardiman
- Published on:
- Tue 2 Jul 2013