The Women In Comedy Festival comes to a close with two excellent shows at Gullivers featuring Lily Phillips and Hannah Platt, plus John Robertson brings The Dark Room back to The Frog.

Lily Phillips at Gullivers | Mon 10 Oct | 7.30pm | £10

The Women In Comedy closes out another successful ten days of excellent and eclectic stand-up shows with two rising stars bringing their new shows to Gullivers. BBC New Comedy Awards Finalist Lily Phillips presents her debut hour ‘Smut’ which started out as a radical screed on feminism but ‘ended up with a bunch of jokes about her dog’s vadge’. Charmingly obscene Phillips is one to watch out for in the future, so make sure you see her on the smaller stage in Gullivers before she’s headed for bigger things.

Gullivers, 109 Oldham Street, Manchester, M4 1LW
Hannah Platt at Gullivers | Mon 10 Oct | 8.45pm | £5

Another debut hour, another rising star and another show to see in the intimate surrounds of Gullivers’ snug back room. Hannah Platt has long been a favourite on the Manchester scene and after some tour support for the likes of Fern Brady, Lou Sanders and Kiri Pritchard-McLean she is finally getting the attention she deserves. Expect more jet black confessional comedy during this work-in-progress show that’s sure to be threatening award shortlists come next August.

Gullivers, 109 Oldham Street, Manchester, M4 1LW
The Dark Room at The Frog & Bucket | Sun 16 Oct | 6pm | £8-10

YOU AWAKE TO FIND YOURSELF IN A DARK ROOM. With those words, so begins John Robertson mad, interactive, retro computer game/comedy show ‘The Dark Room’. If you’ve played before then no doubt you’ll be back, if you haven’t we heartily recommend giving it a go. There really is nothing like it on the comedy scene and Robertson is a fearsomely good improviser who has created something very special indeed.

Frog and Bucket Comedy Club, 102 Oldham St, Manchester M4 1LJ, Tel: 0161 236 9805
Mon 10 Oct - Sun 16 Oct
John Stansfield
Published on:
Mon 10 Oct 2022