Possibly the greatest little project you’ve never heard of… A Small Cinema is helping to revive the Miners community arts space in Moston, North East Manchester by building a new cinema space. These things, however, are not built on good intentions alone, so the willing and able are encouraged to join the team from Sunday 5 August to lend some elbow grease to proceedings. They need volunteers to clean, paint, repair and build. All are welcomed, but the skilled especially so. Or if you can’t make it in person then materials would also be gratefully received. The project is building up to a film festival planned for the last week in August. If you are able to help or think you know someone who can please get in touch with Sam (sam@re-dock.org) to get involved.


Sun 5 Aug - Sun 12 Aug
Connie Witham
Published on:
Thu 2 Aug 2012