It’s never too early to call bets on albums of the year, and the siren call to the dance floor that is techno thumper Melt! – the lead single from Kelly Lee Owens’ forthcoming album – points heavily to her sophomore LP Inner Song placing high in every 2020 chart. It’s been a long time coming; three testing years distracted the North Wales singer/producer/dreamscaper from recording her follow up record. But one week after its release on Friday 8 May, she’ll be in Manchester giving it a gentle push out into the wild with a warm up gig in the Pink Room at Yes. Tickets go on sale on Friday 28 February at 10am sharp, don’t miss out. Meanwhile, you can listen to Owens’ new album when it’s released on Friday 1 May 2020.

Fri 8 May, 7.30pm, Yes,
38 Charles Street, Manchester M1 7DB
, Tel: 0161 273 2725
Sarah Walters
Published on:
Thu 27 Feb 2020