After premiering at SXSW this year, this brand new documentary about John Water’s muse has taken the festival circuit by storm. Featuring a selection of rare footage and interviews with fans and friends of the ‘Drag Queen of The Century’. From a conservative, middle class upbringing in Maryland as Harris Glenn Milstead to underground star to international icon, Divine continues to be a cult hero to admirers around the world. The documentary comes from acclaimed filmmaker Jeff Schwarz whose previous works include studies on porn star Jack Wrangler and B-Movie director William Castle. Only made possible by financial assistance from a huge online campaign, this labour of love is not to be missed.

Mon 3 Jun, 2022NQ, The Basement, 20 Dale Street, M1 1EZ. 8pm £5.50

Mon 3 Jun
John Stansfield
Published on:
Thu 23 May 2013