Manchester’s favourite purveyor of free comedy Red Redmond takes over yet another venue to deliver a night of fantastic stand-up from some of the more alternative funny people on the scene. Taking over Walrus in the Northern Quarter as part of a wave of great comedy nights hitting the area, proving that hipsters are fans of more than just ironic T-shirts. For the first show Red has set a very high bar indeed: Will Duggan and Danny Sutcliffe are a couple of favourites on the Manchester scene (and if you don’t follow Sutcliffe on Twitter then you’re doing it wrong), and headlining is American absurdist Will Franken. An amazing ball of satire, characters, sketches and cerebral tickling from a comedian you won’t forget in a hurry. Oh and it’s all absolutely FREE. Red Dead Revolution.

Sun 1 Jun, Walrus, 78-88 High Street, M4 1ES. Tel: 0161 828 8700, 8pm, FREE,

Sun 1 Jun
John Stansfield
Published on:
Tue 27 May 2014