Fans of vintage finds, from one-off dresses to boots, accessories and pea coats will find more than they bargained for at the Vintage Kilo Sale at Victoria Warehouse this Saturday. Run by industry leaders, Glass Onion and Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair, expect queues around the block ahead of doors opening. The Kilo Sale is based on a model popular in Eastern Europe where shoppers can play trader for the day, rummaging through more than five tonnes of vintage clothing from the 1960s and beyond. You pay by the kilo (hence the name) and four items typically come to around £15 making this one of the best value way to shop vintage in the land. Look out for skirts, denim, dresses and menswear. Victoria Vintage will also be on hand selling jewellery, accessories and vintage glitz from 50p a go. The event was founded in 2009 by former celebrity stylist, Judy Berger and, who knows, you might just spot one her former charges in the mix.
Sun 16 Nov, The Victoria Warehouse, Trafford Park Road, Manchester, M17 1AB. 11am (earlybird) £3, 12-4pm, £1.50 (general public),
- Words:
- Ruth Allan
- Published on:
- Tue 11 Nov 2014