Light is an innovative play without words. Performed in near darkness, only torchlight and LED strips are used to highlight the action. The play is set in an Orwellian future where a totalitarian regime monitors citizens’ thoughts using implants. A young government official, whose job is to track down people trying to disconnect from the grid, encounters an enigmatic figure from his shadowy past. The story is inspired by Edward Snowden’s leaking of classified data and the debate about privacy that followed. Although performed without words, there is a filmic soundtrack mixing contemporary and classical music styles as well as a spectrum of physical theatre skills on display. Light was first performed at last year’s Edinburgh Fringe where it was one of the festivals hot tickets. It is produced by Theatre Ad Infinitum.

Wed 4 – Thu 5 Feb, The Lowry Studio, Pier 8, Salford Quays, M50 3AZ, 8pm, £14,

Wed 4 Feb - Thu 5 Feb
A. James Simpkin
Published on:
Mon 2 Feb 2015