Mixing the beauty of chaos with the quietness of the human soul, Botis Seva’s Mama explores the nebulous modern conceptions of race and culture through generational stories of colonised bodies from Thu 1 – Fri 2 Jun at The Lowry.

Plunging audiences into an ‘unforgiving world fraying at the seams’, Mama features a team of renowned dancers from Seva’s company, Far From The Norm, who blend street dance forms with mesmeric, undulating movements, disrupting shards of light to illuminate a ‘collage of stories’ which uncover the dark, destructive core of colonial secrets.

Mama at the Lowry

Through Torben Sylvest’s broad, sweeping score which shifts between immersive soundscapes and vocal excerpts, Seva’s brand new production invites the viewer into a shadowy, captivating realm, oscillating between past and present, as Ryan Dawson-Laight’s feathered, armour-like costumes represent the colonised body’s ‘nonsensical route to freedom’.

Mama at the lowry

Book your tickets here, and check out the Mama trailer below.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Thu 1 Jun - Fri 2 Jun, 8pm, The Lowry,
Pier 8, Salford Quays, Salford, M50 3AZ
, Tel: 0161 876 2000, From £14
Wolf McFarlane
Published on:
Fri 12 May 2023