To celebrate the twinned 75th anniversaries of the foundation of the NHS and the arrival of the HMT Empire Windrush, Manchester Metropolitan University’s Manchester Poetry Library explores a uniquely interwoven historical narrative with Untold Stories, running until Sat 2 Sep.

Featuring stories and creative writing from participants across the two reciprocal project strands, alongside illustrations from Man Met’s BA Illustration with Animation and MA Animation courses in direct response, Untold Stories invites visitors to discover the challenging yet rich lives of NHS workers across a vast landscape of healthcare roles, with a parallel focus on workers of African Caribbean descent since the HMT Windrush docked at Tilbury in June 1948, just thirteen days before the NHS’ inauguration.

Illuminating the human core of the NHS with unprecedented insight, the project draws on work by Man Met poet Dr. Kim Moore, who supported the staff of Trafford General Hospital in telling their own stories – and producing their own creative writing – as the institute’s Writer-in-Residence between January and May 2023.

From January to June, Manchester UNESCO City of Literature Community Champion Jackie Bailey collaborated with African Caribbean Mancunians who have worked in the NHS, working alongside award-winning writers and a musician to examine and amplify the contributions of Windrush migrants and their descendants within Britain’s public healthcare system.

The Untold Stories exhibition is curated by Lillie Tew-Weaver, Rowan Bell and Birce Cennetoglu, students from the university’s MA Contemporary Curating course, and accompanies the Untold Stories website, curated by Cyril Lyons.

For more information on the project, click here.

A Manchester Wire Partnership post
Mon 3 Jul - Sat 2 Sep, Manchester Poetry Library,
Manchester, M15 6BG
, 10am-7pm, 10am-4.30pm
Wolf McFarlane
Published on:
Tue 18 Jul 2023