If there’s one thing citizens of Manchester like to tell you, it’s how great the city is. And they’re right too. It’s bloomin’ ace. So gathering over 2,000 participants, representing community and volunteer groups from across the city, is almost too easy to celebrate the fifth Manchester Day this June. An afternoon of art, music and family fun culminating in the parade with a ‘Going Global’ theme this year, as the world needs educating on how amazing the city is. Manchester Day prompts its participants to think about the myriad ways in which Manchester has imposed its swagger upon the world – be it music, sport, science, industry and fashion. So expect tambourine-shaking, Cantona-collared, internet-creating, cotton mill workers to be meandering through the town on an afternoon in the sunshiiiiiiiiiiiine (hopefully).

Sun 22 Jun, Manchester city centre, starting at Liverpool Road, 1pm, then Albert Square 1.15pm, Exchange Square, 1.45pm. Times are for the HEAD of the Parade to arrive and it can take up to an hour to pass, FREE, themanchesterdayparade.co.uk

Sun 22 Jun
John Stansfield
Published on:
Sat 21 Jun 2014